Charles Stanley

Charles Stanley & Co. Limited is one of the leading investment management companies in the UK.

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About Charles Stanley

Charles Stanley’s Norwich office opened 30 years ago, but the firm can trace its origins back to 1792, and over the centuries its unwavering focus on clients has endured, helping to make it one of the UK’s leading wealth management firms. Today, the firm has over 20 offices across England, Scotland and Wales, creating financial security for many tens of thousands of people, and currently manage and administer in excess of £24 billion.

The Norwich branch focuses on Discretionary Fund Management, working with local Financial Advisers, Accountants and Solicitors, providing their clients with a highly qualified team of locally based, professional Investment Managers.

Charles Stanley

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Why Norwich?

Norwich is a £10 billion economy with 24,000 businesses and nearly 160,000 jobs of which 11,610 are in financial and related professional services. It benefits from proximity to hubs of financial and business activity in London, Cambridge and Ipswich.

Over 200 years in the making, Norwich is recognised as a centre of excellence in insurance, financial and professional services. Norwich is one of the largest general insurance markets in Europe with the 2nd highest concentration of insurance jobs in the UK (ONS, 2016). In addition to attractive career opportunities, it offers outstanding quality of life, and the benefits of living in a vibrant, affordable, culturally advanced and accessible city.

Norwich is the home of important businesses and brands in financial services and insurance that are taking advantage of the unique ‘value’ on offer.

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