NBS & School of Economics Business Breakfast: Is UK growth and productivity dead?

Growth was a dominant mantra in the recent UK general election. Yet media and political commentators suggest the UK has a productivity problem. And a recent report from IPPR shows that since COVID, the UK is alone among the G7 countries with its workforce participation rate moving in the wrong direction. What is happening? Is the UK still an attractive place to do business? As businesses how can we compete in this future business environment? In our breakfast seminars we seek answers.

First, we cut through the political and media views by looking at the economic data to understand the real situation the UK faces. Then we will consider creativity and AI as options we can use more in helping our people to develop and our business to increase advantage in achieving the growth that we all need. What do the economics tell us?

Dr James Watson (UEA School of Economics) James completed his undergraduate degree in mathematics before embarking on a private-sector career involving a variety of small business ventures. James returned to higher education in 2004, completing a Graduate Diploma, MSc, and a PhD in Economics, here at the University of East Anglia. Shortly after completing his PhD James joined the School of Economics teaching team. James teaches macroeconomics and finance to undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is particularly interested in fiscal and monetary policy, and the levels of government debt. Is greater creativity in business the answer?

Richard Ross (Chadwicks) Starting his working life in the construction industry, Richard spent 10 years in managerial positions before launching his own development company. He later worked as a corporate adviser for a major insurance company before setting up Chadwicks. He has held board positions in companies in the construction, property, horticulture and financial services sectors and has a deep understanding of the risks and rewards of business life. He has an MBA, a Masters in Wealth Management, is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment and is a Chartered Financial Planner. An experienced NED and charity trustee he is currently Chair of the Norfolk and Norwich Festival. How could AI help our people?

Dr Fahri Karakas & Dr Kevan Williams (UEA Business School) Fahri is Associate Professor in Business and Leadership having previously worked at Open University Business School as Research Fellow in International Management Practice, Education, and Learning. His research builds new ways of understanding how we can nurture the human spirit and build a collective sense of creativity and vitality in organizations. He is the author of “Self-Making Studio: An Inspirational Doodle Kit for Self-Discovery and Employability” and wites extensively on Medium using AI. Kevan left school at 16 to work as a driver’s mate and factory hand before working in roles, both scientific and business, in the private sector, the public sector, the higher education sector and has started and run small business. He is an experienced company director and company chair, and mentors business owners. Now an Associate Professor in Strategy at UEA, He is an experienced trainer and university teacher in the areas including strategy, leadership, branding, marketing, and sales. He is the author of books on strategy and business plans. Cost This is a free event, including a complimentary light breakfast and free parking.

Further information Contact us at if you have any questions about this event. Cancellation Policy This event is limited to to 70 attendees. If you are unable to attend, please notify us in advance, where possible (either by cancelling your Eventbrite order or emailing in order for us to offer the place to someone else.

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